.the dark room
.haunted past
+..all cried out..+ . [12:50 AM
+..all cried out..+ . [12:58 AM
+..all cried out..+ . [3:23 AM
+..all cried out..+ . [11:29 PM
+..all cried out..+ . [3:44 AM
+..all cried out..+ . [4:49 PM
+..all cried out..+ . [1:32 PM
+..all cried out..+ . [3:34 AM
+..all cried out..+ . [12:43 PM
+..all cried out..+ . [11:50 AM
+..all cried out..+ . [11:26 PM
+..all cried out..+ . [9:10 PM
+..all cried out..+ . [11:10 PM
+..all cried out..+ . [1:10 AM
April 29, 2005
by Awfully Chocolate never tasted any sweeter (:
I only wish that *you were here to see me finally smile. And that it were *you I was walking out with, sharing that pint of in the scorching heat. I miss *you
-playing waiting for you - straylight run
April 28, 2005
Had a talk with MelW about university while trying to re-cram my head with information. Again it kills that she has pretty much decided what she wants to major in. (Make that her and everybody else who is planning on entering a university within the next 3-5 years or so.) Doesn't help that the subject combination that I'm about to take opens me up to essentially every major/degree available, provided I meet the prerequisites. Stuck in between the arts and sciences is virtually like getting caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. And I know I'll never ever go into commerce. So where on earth does that leave me?
Again, I don't know why I'm pushing myself so hard. Dear God, please grant me the grace to stop aiming for the sky. I've disappointed my dad and I honestly don't think the folks are placing much hopes on me (besides the fact that they want me to graduate with a degree in any damn course), I feel I owe to someone (I don't know who though) to excel this time round. Dear God, please stop me from having these paranoidal hallucinations - no one is expecting anything from me. Why on earth do I then push myself. I suspect a certain reason which I don't care to mention here, at the risk of sounding more and more like a complete fcukwit!
Doesn't help that I just found something I wrote to *you wedged between *your textbook, which is still at my place (if *you've been wondering and actually read this, now *you know). And remember, if *you ever feel loved or needed (like right now), *you're one of the lucky ones.
-playing the perfect ending - straylight run
April 27, 2005
I love *you. And the day *you find an end to my needs is the end of that love. God, this sounds nauseatingly schmaltzy and I know *you won't give a fly, so I'm just going to stop rambling and attempt to sleep since I've apparently released my bottled up feelings into cyberspace -cringes-
On another note, I don't know whether to hope what I'm feeling is just limerence. I want it to be, so it makes things easier for myself, yet I want what I'm feeling to be real. Then again, I can't say it's completely limerence cause I'm hardly excited about it now, am I?
-shuffling More Adventurous - Rilo Kiley
April 26, 2005
To further prove that, I've updated my 2005 dead list
-playing sometimes love just ain't enough - patty smith
April 24, 2005
Why Not was nice (: I'm not used to the music but I'd definitely be going more often. I'm loving the crowd there. Hott eye candy. Yang and Benji, I'm so sorry for having to leave early. Have to wake up. Oh and Benji, that Justin guy's mine. Lol
It's absurd how the things you shouldn't be doing helps puts things into perspective. I've said it so many times before, as much as *you matter to me, I should go on living my life. And after Why Not and the movie with Val (Guess Who), I realized the kind of life that I will be living (and with time, will want to) is the kind of life that *you would never be living. It's virtually impossible to juxtapose the two different worlds *we're going to be living in. Am I looking forward to the shambles that lay ahead of me? I don't know. What I do know is that heartaches will be a thing of the past as I turn to face the world head on with a heart completely encased. I'm certain that nothing (not even cupid's supposedly great arrow) can pierce through that shield. I'll personally see to the protection of that whatever's left of the precious organ. I will not let myself down this time around. A promise to myself that I will hold so dear to my dying day
-playing sitting, waiting, wishing - jack johnson
April 23, 2005
Ker hon, you have got to be the luckiest little sis (though by a mere 2 minutes which I know you're very thankful for) on earth. And thanks for sharing your brother with me, my soul sista. I'm missing you a whole load too. And yes, I almost cried when I heard your voice. sbhf!
-playing if only - hanson
April 20, 2005
For goodness sakes, you guys are adults! Can't you guys settle things between yourselves without getting me involved? In the first place mom, I told you not to bother with them. If they wanna set up a business, let them go ahead. Why get your esurient ass involved? You know full well how your sisters are. I refuse to let you guys drag me right into the midst of your altercation. So stop trying to get the lowdown from me. My lips are sealed, and I will not stay at home (when you are home) or go to the damn shop until you guys leave me out of this. And I'm dead serious about this.
And my dearest MelW, the decision is yours to make. No one is gonna bear the consequences of telling you what to do. This is the time to be completely and hopelessly analytical. Nothing anyone can say will sway you if the decision comes from your heart
-playing mitch hedberg live on comedy central
April 19, 2005
i don't mean to drag it on, but i can't seem to let *you go
i've tried to go on like i never knew *you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
i pray for this heart to be unbroken
but without *you all i'm going to be is incomplete
April 18, 2005
-playing always - bon jovi (not that it means anything to *you anyways)
All I can say about the sevens is that I should stop going. I still don't understand why Jamie did that. And I don't know what *you told her but seriously, *you expect me to be completely over *you? And Ja, don't tell me I didn't do anything about it. Cause when I did I got told to face reality. I can't handle this anymore. I got through one night without crying about it all but I can't pretend I don't care. I can't look at *you, and just be friends (friends isn't enough for me). Ironically, I want *you in my life so bad, I put on this air of indifference just so to talk to *you. It's an uphill battle ok! So what else do *you want from me? My cousin and me and two different people and if *you could only see what *your words meant to her (and what she said to me after talking to *you). *You wanna talk, tell it to my face.
I was just starting to act like I didn't give a damn (just like *you don't) but *you had to come around a ruin it all. ARGH! I can't deal with this anymore. Dadddddyyyy! Can I just leave for melbourne tonight? I want to get away from everything and everyone. Ah fcuk this. Ja, I thought I could count on you, I thought you were MY cousin. Thanks a million. But its ok, at least I know now who cares, who're the real friends I have. Thanks MelW, Rik and Bry (for replying a late night sms even though you had to be up early this morning).
-playing incomplete - backstreet boys
April 17, 2005
i cannot believe jamie did that. and i cannot believe *you want closure. fcuk off! what closure? *we're over aren't we? i know that very clearly. and i'm not even saying anything to *you anymore. yes, have fun and happily ever after with *your girl. and don't give me crap about friends. i tried being friends and *you were all attitude and now *you're telling my cousin *you wanna be friends? i wouldn't be talking to *you like i did if we weren't friends. i would be finding ways to get close to you for goodness sakes. i can't believe this. i know *we're over. i'm just not over *you. there is a difference. and i'm sorry if i'm not smart enough to make it to acjc. it's my fault *we fell apart. no one's hating *you. so stop trying to be nice to "make up" for anything. be nice because *you want to.
and my mom is a complete pain. woman, if you've got problems with your sister, don't get me involved. don't make me skip a party cause you're upset. wtf! i don't give. i'm sneaking out after my shower. even if it's for an hour. i'm not missing that english bloke who took my blue band, making me promise to go to indochine. so yes, i'm off now. and don't *you wonder why i've changed. i'm no longer the naive girl who believes that love lasts forever!
-playing class 95
April 15, 2005
` i used to be until i realized relationships are just a game and since i play to win, i guess you could say i'm serious about winning
2. are you afraid of commitments?
` no. and i absolutely abhor commitment phobes
3. are you a risk taker?
` i used to be irrational and thought with my heart. but experiences have taught me to be practical so i suppose i take calculated risks
4. what can you say about long distance relationships?
` pointless. enough said
5. can you love a person who doesn't love you?
` i can but i don't want to
6. do actions speak louder than words?
` duh! words are meaningless
7. have you felt/found true love?
` earth calling!! it doesn't exist (in the human form at least)
8. how can you feel that a person loves you?
` i'm numb. anyways, i don't think love exists. people get together to gain from each other. the way i see it, it's a business transaction
9. are you good in handling relationships?
` i suck at playing games yet i try so hard to win
10. willing to give everything?
` i would have. but i realized you can give everything and have the person push it all away. so what on earth is the point
11. best thing you've learned from loving?
` that all you can ever get from love is a love song
12. do you demand your loved one to change into someone else?
` i have lost the ability to love an imperfect person perfectly. besides, choose your opponent before you get into the game. choose the person you're gonna have the business transaction with and make sure he/she can give all that you need and desire. open your eyes
13. would you let go of someone you love?
` i don't and i won't. people throw me aside. nothing i can do about that
14. are you a one-woman man & vice versa type of person?
` what's the point of monogamy? the playing field is large. strive to win and annihilate everyone else.
15. is getting physical important in a relationship?
` that depends on the kinda deal that was cut doesn't it
16. how do you express your love to someone?
` i don't. i can't love anymore
17. what is the major reason of a break up?
` when the other person no longer feels the same yet comes up with a myriad of excuses in a sad attempt to not "hurt" you or to be the nice guy
18. most important ingredient/s in a relationship?
` the contractual agreement
19. ever regret loving someone?
` yes *you!
20. one thing you hate about love?
` it's a game where losing isn't an option
21. one thing you like about love?
` it's a game that makes life... well life
22. are you in love?
` yes, regretting it and ironically denying the existence of love
23.can you learn to love someone whom you don't love?
` why bother when you can draw everything from him/her then split?
24.worst thing in a relationship?
` it's a transaction where it isn't an option to be at the losing end
25.will you accept someone who broke your heart?
` foolishly yes. i don't hate *you. and it really doesn't matter what went wrong, i don't care. all i care about is the distance between *us. and yes i hate myself for this
-playing existentialism on prom night - straylight run
April 14, 2005
Ignorance is bliss! Ignorance is bliss! I seriously need to believe that. Why on earth do I go find things out only to regret and start crying all over again. Fcuk *you!
-playing let it die - feist
April 09, 2005
I realize I should stop blogging now or I won't ever stop ranting
-listening to noven on the phone with her music in the background
April 07, 2005
"Strut your stuff without bunching up. When even a thong won't do the trick, the disposable Anti-Panti saves a woman's day. Made of soft 100% cotton flannel, this slender circle of fabric has an adhesive back that attaches to the inside of jeans or pants and doesn't budge. Trousers with tricky, low-slung waistlines and form-fitting backsides are banished to the back of the closet no more. With the Anti-Panti, you're looking smooth and on your way. Box of 5 includes a range of fun colors and . . ." [Click]
-playing the mr brown show (with mr miyagi) part 1
+..all cried out..+ . [12:55 AM
+..all cried out..+ . [11:25 AM
+..all cried out..+ . [9:34 PM
+..all cried out..+ . [10:47 PM
+..all cried out..+ . [10:57 PM
+..all cried out..+ . [10:28 PM
+..all cried out..+ . [1:59 AM
April 06, 2005
Completely random post. I need to get a life and stop cogitating relationships and life in general.
-playing class 95
April 05, 2005
I realized that the year's fairly new yet there are so many dead people.
Johnnie Cochran
Mitch Hedberg (I'm still NOT over his death)
Johnny Carson
Arthur Miller (Great playwright. 'The Crucible' ring anyone?)
Frank Perdue (The turkey guy)
Terry Schiavo
Barney Martin (Jerry's dad on seinfeld)
Sandra Dee (I really liked her)
Derrick Plourde (Original Ataris drummer)
Keith Knudsen (The Doobie Bros drummer)
Spencer Dryden (The Jefferson Airplane drummer)
Paul Hester (Crowded House drummer)
Hideaki Sekiguchi (Guitar Wolf bassist)
Hunter Thompson (I liked his stuff)
John Dolorean (The 'Back to the Future' car dude)
Dimebag Darrell (Pantera guitarist)
Bryan Ottoson (American Head Charge's guitarist)
Sir John Mills (One of Britain's oldest actors)
Saul Bellow (Nobel Prize-winning author)
Dale Messick (Cartoonist)
Debralee Scott (Actress in some of the "Police Academy" movies)
Prince Rainier (Prince of Monaco, husband of Grace Kelly )
Andrea Dworkin (Anti-porn feminist activist)
Maurice Hillman (Master in creating vaccines)
Marla Ruzicka (Anti-war activist)
Ruth Hussey (Actress in "Philadelphia Story")
Martin Denny (Father of music genre "Exotica")
-playing a box full of sharp objects - the used
UPDATED: April 27, 2005 @ 12.08am
April 04, 2005
[edit] I've more I'd like to say, but I can't seem to put my thoughts into words right now. Back to chem and the wonderful world of equations. And yes, I'm still eating alone tomorrow! [/edit]
-playing russell peters and pablo francisco at their standup routine (dvd)
April 03, 2005
Strangely enough, I'm not lugubrious at all about leaving. I despise myself so much sometimes. I know I can't handle certain truths yet I persist until I find out the truth. And now, the truth comes around and slaps me right in the face. Yes, I can't deal with it. Ignorance is bliss. I know and understand that totally. But I foolishly probe around till I unearth the painful truth. And because I propel myself completely (mentally, emotionally and physically) into finding out the the truth that's been hidden from me, I find it so raw that it hurts so much! This time, I'm walking away. And I pray that by walking away, something good will come out of it. Whatever happens, I believe that God is for me. As I've said before, it doesn't matter how much I care and love *you, *you have her and that's all that matters to *you. I'm just but something inconsequential in *your life! Hurts to know, but the pain's sort of obtunded.
-playing solitude - evanescence
April 01, 2005
-playing smallville season 3 on dvd
I wish time would just accelerate, and become May 30. Maybe then I wouldn't have to think of *you. When the verity that all I should think of for the next few years of my life, is burying myself in work, hits me right in the face. Perhaps that's just how I'm programmed to be. To always go through the cycle of making a myriad of mistakes then having them come back and kick me right where it hurts. Rik said something a few days back to me. That I'm never satisfied with what I have. There's always this sense of wanting more, of knowing that there's more out there for me. In others, it works well. It pushes them to do more, to strive for what they want. In me, it's simply deleterious! So now, what on earth can I do, what else can I say but let me go home!
I'm attempting to actually write well. I realized my english has retrograded over the past year. With three quarters of my language punctuated with singlish and the other one quarter, broken chinese. Then again, I might just be letting my depression affect that ability I once had to write. I really want to be able to be like before, where I'd be able to pick up a pen, and words (in proper english) would just flow. I miss sitting around, letting my mind wander, and see those random thoughts alchemize into writings. I really need to be the old me, the geek, the loser. At least then being happy wasn't a major achievement. I've divagated from what I set out to blog. I hope this is a sign that I'm getting back into the flow of writing again
-shuffling absintheglow (self titled)