.the dark room
.haunted past
+..all cried out..+ . [10:34 PM
December 28, 2004
Talked to my lst today and we shared alot. I guess we've all grown alot spiritually. I'm so glad. Then while on the way home, I was just thinking ALOT as usual. About the three requests that pastor asked us to make. I was thinking that it was really impossible. Then I heard a small voice saying, "Don't underestimate Me, you can never overestimate Me" Anyways, my point is that you can never overestimate God. Just continue to believe and TRUST Him!
Jesus, 'You light up my life. You give me hope to carry on. You light up my days and fill my nights with song' :)) Thank You, Jesus for ALL that You've done! Give me, Lord, a fresh revelation of Your love. And cover Your people with Your hand of protection :)) Humble me before Your feet. Cast out any pride that's within me. Use me (though there's probably nothing to use) to glorify Your name. Amen