.the dark room
.haunted past
+..all cried out..+ . [2:11 PM
October 08, 2004
I don't feel the way I've ever felt.
I know.
I'm gonna smile and not get worried.
I try but it shows.
Just read some thought provoking stuff! Hmmms. Looks like I'll be thinking during my stats test later :\ Since I don't think and reflect while shopping. I just stone while I'm shopping :\ This isn't good! Never mind. I shall go off now... Gonna shop for shoes and maybe a new skirt. I realized I have a grand total of like 5 skirts of which I only wear 1 +faints+ Yeah, I hate wearing skirts :\ I need clothes and moolah! I'm hyper cause I'm gonna shop! Retail THERAPY should be banned. Cause it always makes me feel better for like 10 secs and after that, I get more depressed cause I think of the moolah I've spent on stuff I'm probably gonna wear/use only once +sighs+
Sha :x: Go here. It's very detailed. And the show is how addictive man. Take care babes +hugs
./Spinning :: Glory - Hillsongs