August 24, 2004
The sheer agony of living with parents who are against your religion, who tune out whenever you try to explain something to them. Of having a dad who goes on and on about how good your current poly course is when is it what HE wants and has always wanted but couldn't do. And you happen not to like it. Oh did I mention a mom who is annoyingly nodding her head away and smiling when you're getting lectured by your dad? Well, yes. And they happen to think it's funny asking if you wanna go overseas to study if you really don't like it here. And like 10 secs after the question is answered, they're like "well, you can only go after you FINISH your 3 years of poly". What great pleasure they take in watching your hopeful face fall. Yeaps, sadistic freaks they are. Oh the best thing is that your YOUNGER BROTHER gets to do anything he wants to, no questions asked. Tell me if it ain't bias.
Yes, if you haven't guessed. That's my warped family. Thank God I have a loving and wonderful Heavenly Father or I'd prolly haved killed myself by now +sighs+ Uh huh. All that nonsense on top of my emotionally distressed self. Oh, I feel like I'm gonna have a mental breakdown soon. I so wish that I would die now, get away from all the pain and crap and not be worried anymore, not cry anymore. I wanna go to my Daddy's side +cries+
+..all cried out..+ . [8:31 PM